I'm long-winded. I'm warning you. But I hope you have some fun reading what's going on with us. I sure have fun writing these and catching up with y'all also.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Trip to Texas

 My early Christmas present was a trip to Texas with Teddy. He did great on the flights. 

He took a nap everyday and slept through the night in his bed. 

He played with his cousins and by himself. He was a dream! 

He even started to warm up to Grandma and Grandpa!

He had fun at the zoo, but to him it was really just fun to be running outside in a new place.

Teddy even let Mom and Grandma sew! Grandma sewed Baby Girl a sleeper, we sewed her a blanket, and Mom and Aunt Ariane made some costumes for her kids.

Teddy even went to nursery at church in a new place!

Most of all though, Teddy just loves being with Mom!

Our trip to Texas was so much fun! We can't wait to see cousins so more! Teddy has never been so happy to have so many people and new toys to play with. His cousins sure made him laugh a lot. I think cousin Drew was his favorite. I'm so sad I missed a picture/video of them together. Until this summer, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you and Teddy. Fun memories which are my Christmas presents from you! Mom
