I'm long-winded. I'm warning you. But I hope you have some fun reading what's going on with us. I sure have fun writing these and catching up with y'all also.

Friday, December 4, 2015

The No Good Very Bad Day

  So the plan was to drive up to Riverton to surprise my sister in law by taking her to lunch. We left right after Ted's follow-up appointment with the orthopedic surgeon--which went really well, by the way. Ted has a bit of a cold, so we weren't going to stay in Riverton very long to try not to expose her two at-home kids to anything. Her husband was working from home, so he said he would watch the three kids while we went to lunch. 
  Well I had to spoil the surprise a few minutes early and beg her for a rescue. As soon as I turned off the highway, my engine died. She was so kind to drive over to pick up Ted and I. So Ted played in the car while I was on the phone with far too many people trying to get everything worked out. I wasn't smart enough to pull over sooner, so I was on the shoulder, but on a curve where there was only 3-cars-length worth of shoulder. So cars were whooshing past us. 
  Eventually it was all worked out and the car was towed back home and the mechanic fixed it all in one day and it was all somewhat reasonable. But who wants to be on the phone all afternoon? And who wants to pay for a car repair at Christmas time?
  I actually had a fun afternoon with my sister in law and we had a great lunch and I taught her how to crochet and it was tons of fun. Derrick came up to take Teddy and I home.
  But our troubles were not over. Der took me straight to work and then drove out to pick up the keys so that we would be able to pick up the car from the shop after Der picked me up from work and after the shop closed. Well so Der and Ted arrived at 6:30pm to get me...and an hour and a headache later, we were able to leave. My replacement employee didn't show up. It was kind of fun to have Ted at work, but by that time he and I were both starving and I hated that Derrick had to be put out because of someone else's mistake. This isn't the first time that employee did that to me, but at least last time it didn't really affect Derrick or Ted.

  So there were blessings to the day and good parts to the day, but it's hard to be gone from your house for 11 hours. Let's just say I went to bed early and am so excited to just take it easy today with Teddy. 

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