I'm long-winded. I'm warning you. But I hope you have some fun reading what's going on with us. I sure have fun writing these and catching up with y'all also.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa Shurtliff came to visit! At first we were planning some long day trips and camping. But it was still pretty cold outside at night and we elected to be around the house a bit more. The stinky thing is that I started work the week before and with it being Spring Break for students, I had to work 4 hours MWF mornings. Derrick was home though and was a great host.

We watched some conference together and went out to Tucanos for my birthday on Saturday, went to the park for lunch and watched more conference on Sunday. We all went to Aunt Stephanie's for Easter dinner Sunday evening--good thing because I wouldn't have made deviled eggs for my parents. :)  Derrick enjoyed talking to my cousin, Jess. I think my Skolmoski cousins are among the most interesting and gentlemanly in the whole world.

Around the house we got the garden ready to go, weeded the spots that haven't been weeded in months, washed cars (a lot of this was done while I was at work), and of course, played with Teddy! My parents went on long walks and Derrick cooked delicious breakfasts every morning.

Here's some of the other fun things we did:

Hike in Diamond Fork Canyon:

My Dad was determined to cross the stream to the other side:
 Roger was the only one who would join him and then he got all wet getting back to the right side:

My parents babysat so Der and I could have a date. We went to Once the Musical (my birthday present). It was fun, but not my favorite musical in that the music was mostly Irish Folk Music. Plus, there was a bit of swearing. I'm glad we got a night out though!

I bought ramekins when I made French Onion Soup last week (no Panera in Utah) and then thought we should have individual pot pies.
One of these was done by someone who does not have years of experience making beautiful fluted edges in the pie crust. Can you tell? Derrick. He is the one. (He wrote that. :) )

Teddy loves piggy back rides:
Grandpa gives him lots of piggy back rides too around the house (and NEVER hits Teddy's head on the chandeliers, btw), but I didn't get a picture.

We rode the Heber Creeper on Thursday. Teddy fell asleep before and was dead asleep for the first bit. It's been a long time since Teddy was just asleep cuddling me. I miss that.

 This was Teddy's favorite part:
Afterwards we went to a park to roast hot dogs.

Have I mentioned how much I love planning, cooking, and serving food for lots of people? I LOVE IT. And since it's my parents, four people count as lots.

Can you tell how excited Teddy is to play with Calder cousins? (Get together while my parents were visiting other family.)

Shurtliff Party:
We played some Catchphrase together and sat around the fire.

Sunday dinner at Derrick's brother's house. His parents were in town for Derrick's nephew's baptism.
 Derrick made a brisket and we all ate, played a game, and talked.

My parents went to dinner with my mom's siblings and made a trip to the temple with my dad's siblings and went to the Family History museum. My mom also had a few visits with her Mom. My mom has been making me a Christmas stocking for over a month now and presented it to me. Hopefully we convinced them that they will want to make many more visits to us because there is so much to do in Utah! We loved their visit and with my dad many happy years of retirement! (Maybe I ought to get a bed for them first so they don't have to sleep on an air mattress though-? Yes I volunteered my own bed.)

Spring Break has been so much fun!

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