I'm long-winded. I'm warning you. But I hope you have some fun reading what's going on with us. I sure have fun writing these and catching up with y'all also.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Shurtliff Family Vacation 2017

With this summer's internship came uncertainty with where we would be and when. So my siblings planned a vacation without us this summer with an open invitation to join them once we had things figured out. I couldn't figure out a way to make it happen until the morning of! Saturday morning around 9am I called my sister with the crazy idea and she said to do it! They were already on the road. So by 11 am we were on the road. Luckily we kind of live out of our suitcases anyway and our clothes were clean. So Derrick drove us to Louisville (about 9 hours) and I drove the kids the rest of the way to Gatlinburg, TN all by myself. I was so worried as my job as passenger Mom is usually a full time job in the car. Derrick then rented a car and drove back so he could be at work the next week. It was an ordeal but totally worth it! We had so much fun and LOVED TN! The kids were so so great! We had a room and bathroom to ourselves and a king bed. This cabin is large and up a twisty road and surrounded by trees and bears. It is near the city of Pigeon Forge, TN, which is similar to Vegas. There are so many restaurants and amusement parks of all kinds and dinner theaters and much more. It was a fun place to visit!
Here's the group picture in front of our cabin.
Ted's blocks were front and center all week.
Claire loved playing with cousins! Ted started playing more with others by the end of the week and always asked where his cousins were.
Here we are about to go on a hike. Everyone wanted to leave to go places around 9:30 or 10 am and with the drive, Claire would always fall asleep. So she isn't in the picture. But it's the rest of the cousins all 11 and under!
My kids needed to be carried most of the time.

We had great porches.

Ted got his toe caught in the door poor thing. 
He zonked out from the pain. I don't think the kids got enough sleep during the week.
Aunt Kara and I were home with the babies one afternoon so they could nap!
We brought legos and trains to share.
Our view

It rained a few times and so it was super fun to run out on the deck!
pizza night!
Beauty and Beast so the adults could play games!

We went to an upside down museum/science/fun center called Wonderworks.

Ted made the straight lines across.

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