I'm long-winded. I'm warning you. But I hope you have some fun reading what's going on with us. I sure have fun writing these and catching up with y'all also.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

April 2017

The kids are super cute and growing. Claire says sounds now: duck, ball, block, mama, dada, etc. She whines and screams a lot for things she wants and I'm proud when I can tell what it is--usually to be held or water. She loves balls, books, pretending like she's talking on the phone, and dolls.
Ted currently is calling the dishwasher a train car because it has wheels. We are diversifying him a little bit to legos, but I'm no master-builder, so that isn't going super well.

Claire steals balls from kids at the park.

Sometimes they sit together and have cuddles before bed.
Claire hopped up between these two nursing mommas to "pet" the babies.
This is my attempt to put a bow in her hair. She just hasn't grown much hair still!
Kids do great with short trips to the grocery store and now Claire knows too that a sucker comes at the end. They also let the kids have a piece of fruit during the shopping trip. I LOVE my neighborhood Smith's!!!
This is the neighbor boy who loves to cuddle the baby. We are visiting the Orem Fire Station.

They fight over using the step stool, so sometimes they just use it together.
This is how Claire watches TV quite often--leaning over the lovesac.

We made a circle track inside of a circle track. It was my best idea in a while. I forget to be creative and fun sometimes.
Easter picnic with MBASA

Claire loves to spin.
The Easter Bunny

Heber Bunny Train

I think this is Easter Sunday. I have a cold and no eye makeup on, so that's why my eyes look weird.
Claire does this with empty cupboards.
Claire will sit in her room flipping through books for a long time.
She'll eat Honey Nut Cheerios first thing in the morning and helps herself if I forget.
Aquarium with some friends. Ted pushed the stroller most of the time and thought it was so cool.
Silly boy.
A nest of weeds. Dad cut them down and killed them eventually.

So April included Derrick finishing his first year of his MBA program at BYU. I developed more friendships and started a new one. I had my first board meeting for next year's MBA Spouse Association; I'm planning all the big holiday parties.

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