I'm long-winded. I'm warning you. But I hope you have some fun reading what's going on with us. I sure have fun writing these and catching up with y'all also.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Claire is one!

Here is Claire on her birthday.
 She is eating a cookie made by a friend for someone else's baby shower. Guys: I just don't bake anymore. But she was happy, so....

I do try to dress her up as a princess as much as possible. She is walking in shoes okay but not great.
 She loves the "jumpy jump place" and explores and climbs all on her own, only looking for Mom when she gets stuck or isn't tall enough to climb on something.

This is her favorite thing to do these days: go in a wagon ride. She screams at the door, then runs outside and climbs right in and sits there waiting. It's adorable. It started with rides in a figure 8 on the back porch. Now this is the only way we go to the park these days.

 Here are pics the day after her birthday. Dad smoked a brisket and here are brownies with marshmallows. These are our birthday friends--we live far enough apart that we only get together for birthdays...and not even on purpose.

 Claire LOVES to eat. She chases down any food she sees and begs for it by bobbing up and down and squealing. Ted is so nice to share when we ask him to, and sometimes we don't have to ask. The only thing she doesn't like is cow's milk. She eats broccoli and apples like a pro.
She is so wiggly, especially if it is nap time, but she is super cuddly too.

If you haven't met her yet, you should! She is so sweet and loving and playful and energetic and curious. She has a dimple under her right eye that is adorable. She loves to eat Mommy's face. She is a pro at hide-and-go-seek, even knowing well enough to enlist the dog for help.
She LOVES balls and dolls and climbing stairs. She says sounds for ball, bunny, woof, mom, and dad enough that we think she is trying to say words. She has walked now for a few months. She is kinda tall, but average head and weight.

She's just super cute and we love our Claire-bear!

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